Rashak Agro’s Medical tour 2024 : A transformative journey form Kaduna to Katsina

About Rashak Farms and Agro Allied Limited

Rashak Farms and Agro Allied Limited has been instrumental in transforming the lives of over 6,000 smallholder farmers in the past 8 years, emphasizing data-driven technology, sustainable agriculture and socio-economic development. Through aggregation and Outgrower programs, Rashak has empowered smallholder farmers to achieve economic prosperity. Rashak’s initiatives prioritize inclusivity, with a specific mission to empower women and differently-abled individuals in farming communities. By providing access to quality inputs, specialized training, storage and marketplace opportunities, Rashak Farms fosters prosperity, sustainability, and resilience within the agricultural sector.

Medical Outreach

As, a pioneering force in agricultural innovation and community development, Rashak has just concluded its groundbreaking Medical Outreach 2024, leaving an indelible mark on smallholder farmers and communities across Kaduna and Katsina States. Embarking on a transformative journey to enhance the livelihoods of farmers, Rashak’s commitment to holistic well-being has garnered global attention, setting a new standard for social impact and community engagement.


Embarking on this transformative journey, Rashak Agro’s delegation reached communities spanning from the peaceful community of Igabi to the vibrant community of Kauru in Kaduna State, further to the industrious residents of Faskari and finally to the welcoming farmers of Dandume in Katsina State.

The delegation, consisting of Rashak headquarters officials Esther Asingbi (Admin Officer), Muhammad Isah (Communications Manager), Abdulbasit Ibrahim (IT Officer), and Zichat (a medical practitioner), began their mission on January 22nd, 2024. They arrived at the Primary Health Care Center of Gadan Gayan, Igabi community, at 8:00 AM, where they met with local authorities and field officers.

The mission continued with zeal on January 23rd in Kauru, Kaduna State, and garnered significant attention in Kadisau community, Faskari LGA of Katsina state, on January 25th where bustling crowd awaited medical assistance in the village head’s dedicated location in his palace. Under the heightened atmosphere of exceptional care and expert medical insights, the tour concluded on January 26th, in Dantankari Village in Dandume LGA of Katsina ensuring all attending farmers received necessary medical attention.



Opening Statements

The opening speeches of Rashak Agro’s Medical Outreach Programs across all locations were marked by affirmations of commitment, achievement, inclusivity, and impactful contributions to smallholder farmers’ livelihoods.

Muhammad Isah, the Communications Manager, commended the community leaders, stakeholders, and partners for their support, He, underscored the significant milestones achieved by Rashak Farms during his address, stating, “Our journey is steadily gaining momentum. Just last year, in October, we proudly launched our pioneering All-women Outgrower program in Jigawa. Furthermore, in December, we made history by securing a Sharia-compliant investment from A-Z Impact, a first for any agribusiness in Africa. Aligning with our mission, we are now extending our efforts by providing essential medical care for our farmers, starting this year in early January.”

During his address, Saleh Adamu, the State Lead for Kaduna State, emphasized CEO Rahmah’s unwavering commitment to farmer health and inclusivity, ensuring that no individual, including women and the disabled, would be overlooked or excluded from Rashak’s initiatives. Aminu Idris, the field coordinator Faskari, Katsina State, provided an overview of Rashak data-driven approach and seven-year track record of empowering farmers. While Rabiu Saleh, the Field Coordinator of Dandume LGA, underscored Rashak’s commitment to community welfare, urging attendees to prioritize health and invoking proactive health measures. He emphasized the interconnectedness of health and agriculture, stating that a healthy community is a thriving one. The program, which included free health check-ups and consultations, aimed to ensure farmers have access to necessary care and support, reflecting Rashak’s belief in cultivating health and nurturing growth for all.

Health Consciousness and Education

Rashak conducted informative lectures across all locations to raise awareness among farmers and community members about the importance of regular medical check-ups and the risks associated with delaying hospital visits until conditions worsen.

Health practitioners Safiyanu Idris in Kaduna, Kabir Ibraheem in Katsina and Zichat Tabat from the Abuja Headquarters delivered insightful talks, stressing the significance of medical consciousness and regular health assessments, covering areas such as high blood pressure, malaria, and blood sugar levels. They encouraged active participation in free consultations to enhance the community’s understanding of health issues.

Subsequent sessions emphasized the role of health consciousness in disease prevention, advocating for proactive measures like healthy lifestyle choices and prompt medical attention. Practical tips were provided to empower the audience to prioritize their health, including preventive measures against malaria, blood sugar management, and stress regulation to mitigate hypertension risks. Their emphasis on seeking medical assistance without hesitation and the provision of free medical consultancy highlighted Rashak’s commitment to promoting proactive healthcare-seeking behaviour and improving healthcare accessibility for farmers.



Rising Issues

Global Significance

In highlighting the global significance of Rashak Farms’ Medical Outreach Program, the medical team emphasized its alignment with Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3), focusing on promoting healthy lives and well-being for all. By offering free health check-ups and consultations to smallholder farmers, the program contributes to the aim of universal health coverage and access to quality healthcare services outlined in SDG 3. Furthermore, the initiative’s commitment to inclusivity, particularly reaching out to women and disabled individuals, resonates with SDG 3’s emphasis on leaving no one behind. This localized effort directly addresses key health indicators such as high blood pressure, malaria, and blood sugar, aligning with SDG 3’s targets for reducing communicable diseases. The program exemplifies a localized approach echoing the global ambition of SDG 3, striving to create a healthier and more resilient community in line with the broader UN agenda for transformative and sustainable development by 2030.

Community Development and Leadership

In a demonstration of community leadership, Umar Saidu, the Village Head of Kadisau, Faskari LGA of Katsina State, led by example by undergoing his medical test within the confines of his palace. His actions underscored the community’s commitment to understanding their health status and prioritizing personal well-being. During a gathering with the Headquarter delegation, he emphasized the significance of the medical outreach program in fostering robust relationships among farmers, community members, and medical professionals. Saidu praised Rashak Company for spearheading such initiatives, commending their pioneering role in promoting community development and cohesion. He urged farmers and community members to remain proactive in seeking medical knowledge and prioritizing health above all else. Additionally, in a gesture of support, the village head delegated security personnel to escort the medical and HQ staff to their designated locations, further showcasing his dedication to the success of the event.

Medicals Care

The medical outreach program conducted by Rashak Farms encompassed several key tests essential for assessing and promoting health among smallholder farmers and community members. These included:

  1. High Blood Pressure Assessment: High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common health concern with serious implications if left untreated. Screening for high blood pressure is crucial for early detection and management to prevent cardiovascular complications.
  2. Malaria Testing: Malaria remains a prevalent health issue in many communities, particularly in regions with a high prevalence of mosquitoes. Testing for malaria helps in early diagnosis and prompt treatment, essential for preventing severe illness and complications.
  3. Blood Sugar Testing: Monitoring blood sugar levels is vital for individuals at risk of or diagnosed with diabetes. Regular blood sugar testing aids in managing the condition effectively and reducing the risk of diabetes-related complications.
  4. Free Medical Consultations: In addition to these key tests, Rashak Farms also provided free medical consultations to address any other health concerns or queries raised by participants. These consultations offered individuals the opportunity to seek professional medical advice and guidance on various health-related matters, contributing to a holistic approach to healthcare provision during the outreach program.



Age Category Day 1 (Igabi, Kaduna) Day 2 (Kauru, Kaduna) Day 3 (Faskari, Katsina) Day 4 (Dandume, Katsina) Total
Under 18 3 1 5 8 17
19 – 25 45 23 9 38 115
26 – 35 36 63 27 24 150
36 – 45 17 6 18 19 60
46+ 13 11 47 29 100

This table shows the distribution of participants across different age categories for each day of the medical outreach program in various locations.


Day Location (State) Expected Attendance Actual Attendance Female Participants Male Participants Disabled Participants High Blood Pressure Cases Malaria Cases Blood Sugar Cases
Day 1 Igabi, Kaduna 260 114 34 80 2 25 14 2
Day 2 Kauru, Kaduna 181 104 27 77 3 17 16 1
Day 3 Faskari, Katsina 164 106 35 71 4 40 8 7
Day 4 Dandume, Katsina 157 118 60 58 1 49 24 10
TOTAL 762 442 156 286 10 131 62 20


Overall, the medical outreach program reached a total of 442 participants across four days and identified various health issues among the attendees.

  • Percentage of attendees with high blood pressure was 34%
  • Percentage of attendees with malaria was 37%
  • Percentage of attendees with high blood sugar was 4.52%

These highlight the prevalence of high blood pressure among the participants, followed by malaria and high blood sugar. The outreach program’s findings underscore the significance of such initiatives in identifying and addressing prevalent health issues within the community, emphasizing the need for continued efforts to promote health awareness and access to healthcare services.



Following the medical tests, farmers expressed appreciation for gaining insights into their health statuses, marking the first time they had learned about their well-being.

Post-event interviews with farmers revealed their overwhelming joy and gratitude for the impact of the medical outreach. They testified that, due to personal idiosyncrasies, they rarely attended medical outreaches, but Rashak’s efforts, facilitated by field officers, encouraged their participation. The farmers were amazed to discover previously unknown health issues, reflecting on Rashak’s comprehensive support—ranging from quality inputs, training, warehousing facilities, market opportunities, and now, early in 2024, a commitment to their health.


Day 1-January 22nd 2024, Igabi, Kaduna State

10:15 am:  Kasimu Shuaibu (Disabled Male Farmer): “I was uncertain if I, being disabled, would be considered worthy. However, here I am today with the best harvest, surpassing many of my friends. I am also here for a free medical check-up provided by the same Rashak Company and I was discovered positive of malaria which I am grateful for the prescriptions provided.”

Day 2 – January 23rd 2024 Kauru, Kaduna State

1:11 am – Ismail Abduljalal (Male Farmer): “Today marks my first medical check-up, and I am grateful for the discovery that I have malaria. I thank God for the keen observation of the medical staff who not only identified the issue but also recommended appropriate medication for me. I am pleased that without this program, I wouldn’t have discovered and addressed the condition on time.”

1:17 pm – Umar Sau’udu (Male Farmer): “When the field officers called us, we anticipated needing some money for the service. However, being here today, I have received my results and valuable advice on other health matters -free of charge.”

1: 21 pm – Veronica Augustine (Female Farmer): “I am genuinely impressed that they came deep into the heart of the village to take care of us. It demonstrates a genuine commitment to the well-being of our community.”

Medical Practitioners’ Feedback (Igabi, Kaduna State)

1: 32 pm- Safiyanu Idrees (Lead Medical Practitioner): “Results from our tests today show that a lot has to be done in terms of farmers taking care of themselves.” He said “Frankly, some farmers only come around for health check-ups occasionally, but Rashak’s initiative will undoubtedly encourage them to consistently prioritize their health even after the program concludes.  Many individuals are unaware of their health status until it becomes a serious concern, and Rashak has played a crucial role in educating farmers and the community, emphasizing that a healthy life is paramount. I can’t thank Rashak enough for conducting relevant tests on prevalent health issues like high blood pressure, blood sugar, and malaria, which are significant challenges in our community at the moment.

Kudos to Rashak for addressing these issues precisely and alleviating the concerns that haunt us. I recommend adding a typhoid test to future medical issues due to its increasing prevalence. Regarding the company, Rashak’s unprecedented health support for farmers and the community technically bringing specialized equipment to augment what we have to conduct this exercise, is truly remarkable and will go down in history. I urge other companies to follow Rashak’s lead in prioritizing the health and well-being of their workforce and communities.”

Day 3 – January 25th, 2024. Faskari, Katsina State

12:01 pm- BabanGida Ibrahim (Head of Field Extension Workers): “The crowd you can see says a lot about the significance of what Rashak is putting together. The farmers have literally led the community through Rashak to be on their toes when it comes to health matters.” He said reflecting on the proactive involvement of farmers in the community, Ibrahim remarked, “The farmers have literally led the community through Rashak to be on their toes when it comes to health matters.” He commended Rashak for empowering farmers to take charge of their health, noting that they are often the last to prioritize medical check-ups.

12:10 pm – Yahaya Abdullahi (Male Community Member): “Reflecting on their initial scepticism, he acknowledged Rashak’s generosity in extending medical support beyond their own farmers, acknowledging them as the first company to do so and expressing gratitude for this initiative.”

Day 4 – January 26th, 2024, Dandume, Katsina State

11:01 am- Yahaya Aminu (Male Farmer): “If there is anything I learned from here after discovering that I have ‘high blood sugar’ is not to neglect my health or wait till things get bad.”

11: 07 am- Salama Ibrahim (Female Farmer): “I am incredibly grateful for the additional medical advice my child and I received, and I want to extend my heartfelt thanks.”

11: 11 am – Fatima Rabiu (Female Farmer): shared her profound gratitude towards Rashak Company for contributing to their successful harvest, attributing their best yield in six years to the unique inputs provided by the company.”

Several farmers shared their determination to adopt healthier lifestyles after being diagnosed with conditions like high blood pressure and malaria, expressing gratitude to the medical team for timely intervention.”

Conclusion: A Beacon of Change

Rashak Agro’s Medical Tour 2024 has not only addressed crucial healthcare needs but also fostered a culture of health consciousness and community empowerment. Through inclusive practices, genuine commitment, and transformative initiatives, Rashak has set a new standard for corporate engagement, redefining the narrative of social impact and sustainable development.

January 22ND -26TH, 2024

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