Our Programs

Empowering Farmers for a Brighter Future

Our programs are designed to empower farmers with the knowledge, resources, and support they require to succeed. We believe that by investing in their growth, we can create a more inclusive and socially impactful social economic climate that enables all to thrive.

Service Highlights


Learn about our initiative to provide farmers with input financing and access to markets, enabling them to increase productivity and improve their livelihoods.


Explore our training programs that empower farmers with the best agronomic practices and skills to optimize their farming operations.


We apply an innovative approach to de-risk small-holder farmer groups by providing a hybrid credit facility and then support with adequate farm input to boost productivity.

Iranwo is an agricultural supply chain that provides farmers with consistent agricultural inputs that include but are not limited to fertilizers, seedlings, technical and financial support where needed, and training, and in return, we get to purchase most of their supplies for our partners who use these products for manufacturing purposes. The input support help farmers focus on farming without having to concern themselves with the business aspect of agriculture

We also provide our over 5000 farmers with access to both local and international markets for their produce, reducing the burden of marketing their products and having to source for buyers. With the out-grower scheme, farmers only have to concern themselves with producing bountiful harvests at the end of the farming season.

Iranwo is an attractive model which drives economic activities in rural areas and helps both global firms and local farmers alike. The scheme ensures that over and under-sourced products are controlled by creating an enabling environment for all parties involved.


At Rashak Agro, our Aggregation program is a pivotal component, centered on consolidating smallholder farmers into coherent clusters. This strategic approach enhances their collective bargaining power and optimizes the marketing process, effectively mitigating the impact of volatile price fluctuations. By amalgamating these farmers into cohesive groups, we empower them to engage in more favorable negotiations with buyers, ensuring equitable pricing for their produce and, in turn, economic prosperity. This methodology not only advocates for parity and contentment within our farming communities but also fosters unity and affluence through the collective strength of the group.

Within the Aggregation framework, we implement three distinct Agricultural commodity trading methodologies. Firstly, our Intra-state Trading focuses on procuring agricultural produce from rural areas in substantial quantities, facilitating transportation to urban areas for resale. In the case of Inter-state Trading, our approach revolves around the meticulous analysis of agricultural commodity requirements across different states, ensuring a harmonious equilibrium in supply and demand dynamics.

Lastly, our role in Supplying Manufacturing Companies establishes us as key suppliers to these industrial entities, offering locally grown, premium-quality raw materials to alleviate their logistical challenges in procuring commodities. Since 2017, we’ve been instrumental in supplying a variety of commodities to numerous clients, always ensuring optimal cultivation conditions, professional handling, and punctual delivery, thanks to our dedicated farmers’ expertise.

Our commitment to serving as primary suppliers to manufacturing companies extends to a cooperative partnership with these businesses, providing them with a reliable source of locally grown raw materials, and sparing them through the intricate process of sourcing commodities from various suppliers. At Rashak Agro, we uphold stringent standards to ensure that all our commodities are cultivated under the most favorable conditions, handled professionally, and delivered promptly and without disruptions. Our network of farmers excels in cultivating the finest produce strains, consistently delivering the right quantity to meet our partners’ exact requirements.